The following list is a sample of articles related to the preceptor experience. The articles touch upon a variety of topics: the importance of preceptorship, the perspective of preceptors, preceptor preparation and education, acknowledgement of preceptors, preceptor accountability, and more. The sample of articles include several different health science disciplines.


  1. Senyk, J, Staffileno, BA. Reframing Nursing Preceptor Development: A Comprehensive Approach to Improve Education, Standardize Processes, and Decrease Costs. J Nurses Prof Dev. 2017 May/Jun;33(3):131-137. SK Practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.
  2. O'Sullivan TA, Lau C, Patel M, Mac C, Krueger J, Danielson J, Weber SS. Student-valued measureable teaching behaviours of award-winning pharmacy preceptors. Am J Pharm Educ. 2015 Dec 25;79(10):151.
  3. Omer TA, Suliman WA, Moola S. Roles and responsibilities of nurse preceptors: perception and preceptors and preceptees. Nurse Educ Pract. 2016 Jan;16(1):54-9. SK practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.
  4. Lait, J. Collaborative clinical placements: interactions among students from different programs. J Nurse Educ. 2015 Aug; 54(8):460-3. SK practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.
  5. O'Meara P, Williams B, Hickson H. Paramedic instructor perspectives on the quality of ciinical and field placements for university educated paramedicine students. Nurse Educ Today. 2015 Nov; 35(11): 1080-4. SK practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.
  6. Clavet D, Antao V, Koppula S, Walsha A. Transform a teaching moment into your own learning moment: fundamental teaching activities framework. Can Fam Physician. 2015 Oct; 61(10):e4848, 913-7.
  7. Courtney-Pratt H, Ford K, Marlow A. Evaluating, understanding and improving the quality of clinical placements for undergraduate nurses: a practice development approach. Nurse Educ Pract. 2015 Nov; 15(6):512-6. SK practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.
  8. Grow GO. Teaching learners to be self-directed. Adult Ed Quarterly 1991; 41: 125-49. SK practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.
  9. Yonge, O., Billay, D., Myrick, F. & Luhanga, F.  (2007). Preceptorship and mentorship: not merely a matter of semantics.  International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 4(1), 1-13.
  10. Zawaduk, C., Healey-Ogden, M., Farrell, S., Lyall, C., & Taylor, M.  (2014). Educator informed practice within a triadic preceptorship model.  Nurse Education in Practice 14, 214-219. SK practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.
  11. Sharpnack PA, Moon HM, Waite P. Closing the practice gap: preparing staff nurses for the preceptor role. J Nurses Prof Dev. 2014 Sep-Oct;30(5):254-60.
  12. Forsberg I, Swartwout K, Murphy M, Danko K, Delaney KR. Nurse practitioner education: greater demand, reduced training opportunities. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2014 Sep 26.
  13. Forcello NP, Todd N, Edgren B, Tan J. Career and preceptor development through preceptorship of advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2014 Jun 1;71(11):898.
  14. Bergman EA. Be a Preceptor: create tomorrow’s leaders. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2013 Apr;113(4):493.
  15. Myrick F, Luhanga F, Billay D, Foley V, Yonge O. Putting the evidence into preceptor preparation. Nurs Res Pract. 2012;
  16. Stagg P, Prideaux D, Greenhill J, Sweet L. Are medical students influenced by preceptors in making career choices, and if so how? A systematic review. Rural Remote Health. 2012;12:1832.
  17. Payakachat N, Ounpraseuth S, Ragland D, Murawski MM. Job and career satisfaction among pharmacy preceptors. Am J Pharm Educ. 2011 Oct 10;75(8):153.
  18. Myrick F, Caplan W, Smitten J, Rusk K. Preceptor/mentor education: a world of possibilities through e-learning technology. Nurse Educ Today. 2011 Apr;31(3):263-7.
  19. Yonge O, Myrick F, Fergusen L, Grundy Q, Cockell J. Through their own eyes: Images of rural nursing. University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta. 2011
  20. Barker ER, Pittman O. Becoming a super preceptor: a practical guide to preceptorship in today’s clinical climate. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2010 Mar;22(3):144-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7599.2009.00487.x. SK practitioners may request at no charge through SHIRP webpage.