In April 2016, a call for proposals was issued to post secondary institutions to develop and submit funding proposals for projects focused on preceptor professional development.

Funding support was subsequently awarded to the following projects, each of which has led to the development of new and unique learning resources for Saskatchewan health science preceptors:

  • Preceptors: Prompting Patient Presentations
    • This project developed three open-access online learning resources to help preceptors help students to present effective case presentations.
    • Project lead: Joyce Bruce, Saskatchewan Polytechnic
  • Use of Video Simulation to Enhance Utilization of Current Educational Resources
    • This project developed three videos featuring key concepts from the e-tips training modules to support preceptor professional development in the areas of giving feedback, fostering clinical reasoning and enhancing teaching skills.
    • Project lead: Natasha Hubbard-Murdoch, Saskatchewan Polytechnic
  • Development of an Online Toolkit for Preceptors and Clinical Faculty
    • This project developed three videos demonstrating effective preceptor-student interactions that address issues of cultural and power imbalances, student anxiety, and advocating for better communication and feedback.
    • Project Lead: Kathy Rodger, University of Saskatchewan